STEP2 CC Pricing

The pricing policy for STEP2 CC System consists in recovering all costs in relation to the processing services provided by SIA, the costs in relation to settlement in TARGET2 as well as the operational, administrative and depreciation costs at the level of EBA CLEARING, acting as ‘business administrator’, in relation to the service management and development of the STEP2 CC System. The pricing objectives of the STEP2 CC system include in particular the objective to minimise costs for the users in relation to the processing of bulk payments. The users of the STEP2 CC system benefit from the economies of scale brought about by increasing volumes.

The pricing of the STEP2 CC system is shared with all respective participants and is made available to prospective and potential participants upon qualified request. An overview of the fees is provided hereafter for comparability purposes on the part of entities having a potential interest to use the STEP2 CC System.

Joining and annual fees

Joining fees   
STEP2 CC Participant (SCC-P) 30,000* EUR
Inclusion by a SCC-P of
a Reachable BIC
300 EUR


Annual fees   
STEP2 CC Participant (SCC-P) 30,000* EUR
Inclusion by a SCC-P of
a Reachable BIC
250 EUR
Fee for settlement services 8,000 EUR

 * Pilot banks which have committed to support the launch of the STEP2 CC System, are paying a higher fee for a limited period of time. 


An annual usage fee of EUR 10,000 and a relationship fee of EUR 1,000 apply in case of use of the batch processing.


Annual fees   

Batch processing usage fee

10,000 EUR
Relationship fee 1,000 EUR

Transaction fees

The STEP2 CC System offers different transaction fees which apply depending on the use of validation for single payments or the use of the batch processing mode with pre-sorted messages and on the pricing options chosen by the participants, starting at: 


Quarterly fees


Minimum charging level, for the first 5,000 transactions per day sent to STEP2 CC 3,750 EUR


Transaction fee single processing   
Payable by sender  0.002 EUR
Payable by receiver  0.002 EUR


Transaction fee batch processing   
Payable by sender   0.001 EUR
Payable by receiver  0.001 EUR

Furthermore, different attractive pricing options are available for large volume users or banks that commit volumes for a period of three years, as for example the latter may opt for the application of transaction fees based on the daily average volume of payments sent and received on an annual basis. The charges per transaction for payments sent and received will be determined based on the aggregate volume in accordance with a tiered structure (as the case may be, taking into account also the participant’s volumes otherwise channelled through the STEP2 platform). The same charges per transaction apply to any one participant in the same tier.