Important note as of February 2021: The access model and admission criteria described herein were prepared in view of the initial launch date of the EPC SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) Scheme in November 2020 based on the public consultation version of the SRTP Rulebook. The R2P access model is subject to review in light of the further evolution of the EPC SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) Scheme Rulebook.
Access and participation options
R2P is open to request-to-pay service providers (RTP-SPs) adhering to the EPC SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) Scheme.
SRTP Scheme’s Participants have multiple access and participation options to connect to the service, which are adapted to their respective profile. The R2P access model has been designed to allow fair and open access to the service, with the goals to build maximum reach across Europe, establish a high level of reliability and trust between users, and follow a proportionate risk-based approach.
This access model, as envisaged for the launch of the service, has been determined in view of the current SRTP Scheme’s access approach (see also R2P admission criteria).
Access options
- Participants can themselves set up a connection with the service to exchange messages.
- Participants can be serviced participants relying on technical service providers (TSPs) to support them with connectivity or other technical services.
- RTP-SPs can become reachable entities to be addressable in the service via a participant (optionally via a dedicated technical access).
Cooperation models to facilitate access
- Participants can offer connectivity services to other participants or intermediary services to non-participating RTP-SPs in order to support reachability of these ‘reachable entities'.
- Technical service providers (e.g. ACHs, instructing parties, service bureaus) can support participants or their reachable entities in connecting to the service.
Overview of different options to connect or access the service
EBA CLEARING supports direct technical connectivity relying on technical service providers
EBA CLEARING contributes to the efforts of technical service providers delivering support services as described above by:
- giving these technical service providers access to its R2P messaging test environment and tools
- actively supporting the co-operation models developed for serviced participants in the live service by involving service providers in the R2P service roll-out and communication process
Participants and reachable entities are also entitled to take the role of technical service provider themselves.
A technical service provider may further assume its role with respect to more than one participant/reachable entity, meaning that technical service providers are allowed to provide their services in an aggregate manner.