User say governance
In order to ensure that all types of users are considered in the design and evolution of its systems and offerings, the Company maintains a broad range of communication channels with its (current and potential) users and other stakeholders.
Identical user consultation processes for the SIPS operated by the Company
An identical structure has been adopted for user consultation for the two SIPS operated by the Company. Two Business Committees have been established:
- the EURO1 Business Committee
- the STEP2 Business Committee
Business Committees are consultative bodies providing recommendations to the Board. Business Committees are chaired by a Board member.
User consultations for systems and services other than EURO1 and STEP2-T
The establishment of identical user consultation processes for the SIPS operated by the Company do not impair the flexibility required to accommodate specificities in relation to given services or initiatives as well as evolving scopes of activity, which may warrant different modes for consultation and decision-making. Apart from the business committees established for the SIPS operated by the Company, the Company has established the following user groups:
- the RT1 Working Group
- the STEP2 CC Group
Other user groups may be established in accordance with identified needs.
Expert Groups and other expert fora
The following Expert Groups have been established:
- Operations & Technical Group (OTG): its mission is to analyse and review proposals and to formulate recommendations relating to operational, procedural, functional and technical aspects of the systems of EBA CLEARING.
- Legal Advisory Group (LAG): its mission is to analyse and make recommendations on legal and privacy-related matters pertaining to the activities of EBA CLEARING and to assist in the monitoring and resourcing for given legal or privacy-related projects.
- Treasury and Liquidity Group (TLG): its mission is to act as an advisory expert group relating to the management and use of liquidity within the systems operated by EBA CLEARING.
- FPAD Expert Group: its mission is to provide expert recommendations in order to shape the design and evolution of the Fraud Pattern and Anomaly Detection (FPAD) functionality of the STEP2 and RT1 Systems.
Other expert fora may be established in accordance with identified needs.