Total transactions processed in EBA CLEARING payment services in 2023:
billionNew volume record for STEP2 SCT Transactions processed on 2 April 2024:
millionNew record day for RT1 processing on 1 July 2024:
million transactionsNew volume record for STEP2 SDD Core Transactions processed on 2 April 2024:
millionVerification of Payee: why pan-European cooperation matters
At EBAday 2024, Hays Littlejohn and Erwin Kulk explain how network-based fraud pattern and anomaly detection can boost the customer experience and safety provided by verification of payee checks. The pair exposes the added value that EBA Clearing’s pan-European verification of payee solution will bring as from its launch in December 2024. Cooperation on fraud mitigation was one of the biggest topics at EBAday and this practical example of a collectively designed and delivered toolset makes it clear why joining forces against fraud matters.