Why use FPAD VOP?

FPAD VOP helps PSPs to efficiently meet their Verification of Payee obligations, whilst simultaneously providing fraud prevention and detection capabilities adding an additional layer of protection for customer payments.

FPAD VOP can be used as a Routing and Verification Mechanism (RVM), as defined in the EPC rulebook. PSPs can use FPAD to exchange VOP requests and VOP responses with other STEP2 and RT1 Participants and any reachable PSP or RVM that is part of the EPC scheme.

FPAD VOP options allow PSPs to send single and batch VOP requests with simultaneous fraud risk assessment of the payee’s account. VOP requests are intelligently routed to the correct responding PSP irrespective of whether they are STEP2 or RT1 Participants or part of the EPC scheme.

FPAD simplifies the work required by PSPs to provide VOP responses and allows PSPs to choose exactly how they respond to requests. FPAD can perform the name matching on behalf of PSPs, retrieving names from the PSP when required or by using existing reference names already provided by the PSP. FPAD can also pass VOP requests directly to PSPs that wish to perform matching for themselves.

Caching options reduce the number of call-throughs to PSPs for repeated VOP requests, speed up responses, reduce the technology infrastructure requirements at the PSP and provide failover protection.

Using existing connectivity, FPAD already connects and is available to all STEP2 and RT1 Participants.

FPAD Verification of Payee provides PSPs with a valuable tool to prevent misdirection of payments and contributes to the fight against fraud. This is further strengthened by the comprehensive fraud detection and prevention capabilities available within FPAD.

If you wish to use FPAD for Verification of Payee, as your RVM or if you wish to learn more about FPAD’s fraud prevention and detection benefits, please contact us