Paris, 17 September 2001
The EBA payment systems extend their reach:
100 banks now Connected to EURO1 and 160 banks to STEP1
Two more banks, Erste Bank der Österreichischen Sparkassen, Vienna and Baden-Württembergische Bank, Stuttgart commenced operations in the EBA's EURO1 system today, 17th September, bringing the total number of direct participants to 73. In addition Allied Irish Banks GB, London, First Trust Bank, Belfast and ING France, Paris joined as sub-participants. There are now 25 bank subsidiaries connected to EURO1 as sub-participants, which enables them to send and receive payments directly in EURO1.
At the same time 20 new members joined the STEP1 system, bringing the total number of banks accessing the system to 163.
The new banks are:
Allgemeine Sparkasse Oberoesterreich, Austria
Bank fuer Kaernten und Steiermark, Austria
Dornbirner Sparkasse, Austria
Hypo-Alpe-Adria Bank, Austria
Bank Styria, Austria
Artesia Banking Corporation, Belgium
Amtssparekassen, Denmark
Spar Nord Bank, Denmark
Banque Michel Inchauspe-BAMI, France
Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa, Italy
Banca Monte Parma, Italy
Banca Popolare di Ancona, Italy
Banca Popolare di Bergamo-Credito Varesino, Italy
Banca Popolare di Lodi, Italy
Banca Sella, Italy
Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara, Italy
ICCREA Bank, Italy
Banco Zaragozano, Spain
Caixa Catalunya, Spain
Caja Gipuzkoa, Spain
Willy Scheerlinck, Chairman, EBA CLEARING, commented: "EBA Clearing has established itself as the provider of payment clearing services of choice for banks in the EU. Current membership is set to further expand early next year, since many banks have already expressed a firm interest in joining one of the systems, but are waiting until after the introduction of euro notes and coins before doing so."
Note to editors:
EURO1 has confirmed its position as the principal cross border euro payment system, processing over 120,000 credit transfers daily for a combined value in excess of 200 billion euro. EURO1 accounts for 47% of comparable traffic in Europe. Volume is expected to increase with the full adoption of the euro in 2002.
The EBA's low-value payment system, STEP1, was successfully launched last November and continues to attract new users.