Environmental, social and governance considerations have always been of great importance to EBA CLEARING, as we know they contribute each in their own way to the well-being of our people, our ecosystem and society at large.

That is why we are committed to continuously improving our performance in relation to sustainability and our societal impact. ESG values are embedded in our decision-making processes, long-term strategic planning, and corporate policies. The latter includes guidelines for the behaviour and actions of the Company’s Board, employees and providers, in line with the expectations of our stakeholders.

Based on a comprehensive policy and framework, the ESG Steering Group supports the Company in the management and implementation of environmental and social considerations, in particular. It defines and monitors objectives and related activities in these two areas and reports progress to the Company’s governing bodies. The ESG Steering Group is composed of staff members across different teams and locations.

Environmental approach

EBA CLEARING measures and monitors its environmental footprint, based on a robust environmental, social and governance framework, which has been inspired by the ISO 14005 standard.

Staff engagement

Our staff members play a crucial role in our contribution to a more sustainable society. Leveraging ideas from and with the support of our staff, we have implemented more than 100 initiatives in this area.

Our efforts include (but are not limited to):

  • the operation of an ESG Steering Group responsible for defining and monitoring objectives and related environmental metrics, such as measuring the carbon footprint of the Company
  • actions related to waste reduction, recycling, water usage, energy efficiency, travel CO2 emissions and procurement
  • the organisation of a sustainability awareness campaign enabling our staff members – through their participation in ecological challenges – to learn more about climate issues and how to implement sustainable practices on a day-to-day basis
  • the support of a tree-planting project combining environmental and social aspects by fostering both biodiversity and the economic growth of local communities
  • the organisation of climate change workshops for our staff members aimed at understanding the connection of climate issues and societal events and at encouraging collective action

Social perspective


EBA CLEARING promotes the professional and personal well-being of its employees by offering training programmes and personal and career development opportunities, psychological support programmes, team-building events and activities, information awareness sessions and more.

Our diverse workforce is a cornerstone of our strength. Fostering a workplace that embraces diversity and inclusion, and where everyone is treated with respect, is an integral part of EBA CLEARING’s company culture.

Community support

We regularly invite our staff to participate in corporate volunteering activities, many of which are proposed by staff members.

These activities include (but are not limited to):

  • partnerships with local associations supporting people in need
  • food serving at a daycare centre for refugees and homeless people
  • charitable donations of work clothes (with one collection amounting to nearly 80 kg) in support of local associations combatting employment discrimination


The Company maintains a number of policies applicable to all staff, management and Board Directors related to anticorruption, antibribery, a code of ethics and business conduct and a number of compliance policies, including competition law.

Governance framework

EBA CLEARING maintains a robust corporate governance in line with the needs of its pan-European user community and the wider European payments ecosystem. In shaping and evolving its governance, the Company also takes into account considerations relating to its business and corporate culture as well as its environmental and social responsibility.

The pan-European DNA of EBA CLEARING is reflected in its country-neutral governance model. In line with its aim to deliver user-driven payment infrastructure solutions, the Company’s governance approach is based on strong user say arrangements. As required by the Revised SIPS Regulation, EBA CLEARING maintains a solid corporate governance framework, comprised of the Company by-laws and a set of corporate documents, processes and policies.

These documents, processes and policies set out the governance arrangements within EBA CLEARING. These arrangements have been determined to be effective in providing clear and direct lines of responsibility and accountability.

Further information on the corporate structure as well as on the Company’s governance model and bodies can be found under Corporate Governance and under Reference documents.